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We love to see the children looking smart in their school uniforms! 


Each site has a slightly different uniform style -


  • Key Stage 1 wear polo shirts and sweatshirts
  • Lower Key Stage 2 wearing shirt and tie.  By the time the children reach upper Key Stage 2 they can wear a blazer if they choose.


Trousers and shirts are both grey. In the summer girls are allowed to wear a navy checked summer dress.


For PE both sites they should wear shorts and a PE t shirts - Akeley is white and Chackmore is navy.  Children come to school dressed in their PE kit on days they are having PE. In the winter tracksuit bottoms and a sweatshirt are recommended.  Please label items so that uniform items can be returned to their owner.


Please see our School Uniform Policy below, for information, but please do feel free to contact either school office should you need guidance.


School Uniform Policy 2022
