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Daily Routines

All schools have slightly different ways of doing things....just like the children in them!  We understand how important it is for you and your child to know what to expect before you join us at St James and St John so have included examples below of what a 'typical' day might look like.  Please do remember though that we have lots of exciting days with trips, special visitors and excursions.  We will give you as much notice as possible when these special days are coming up.


The Daily Routine at Akeley

Start time: 8.50am

Pick up time: 3.00pm                                         30 hours and 50 minutes each week


From September 2023:

Start time: 8:40am

Pick up time: 3:10pm                                        32 hours and 30 minutes each week


The Daily Routine at Chackmore

Start time: 8.45am

Pick up time: 3.15pm                                         32 hours and 30 minutes each week
