St James's Church is one of 5 that comprise the Parish of North Buckingham, and the Benefice of North Buckingham with Stowe.
Services are held in Akeley Village Hall on the second and fourth Sundays of each month.
The service on the second Sunday is a Holy Communion Service.
The Service on the fourth Sunday is a what we call Village Worship.
These services last from between 45 to 50 minutes, after which coffee, tea and a soft drink is served for those who wish to linger a little for a chat.
We often have 2 or 3 children present who can also quietly do their own thing if they so wish at the table at the other end of the hall.
The services are led by either the Rector, Hans Taling, by the Curate, Cathy Pearce, or by one of a group of 4 licensed Lay Readers in the North Buckingham Parish.
The usual congregation varies from 6 to 12. Any further persons would be warmly welcome.
Some music for the hymns is played on a Clavinova, (a kind of piano), and if any child is able to play a well known hymn tune they would certainly be given the opportunity to do so!