Thank you for considering a place here at St James and St John C of E School. We understand that the admissions process can appear a little daunting and will do all we can to answer your questions and to make any transitions as smooth as possible.
Our admission policy is determined by Buckinghamshire Council and we are very fortunate to be able to offer the following admission numbers:
As you will see from our admission numbers we do have an intake into Year 3 from local infant schools. We also welcome in year transfers.
We are always happy to show you around our lovely school and prefer to conduct individual tours rather than hold open days. We feel this gives you to opportunity to see the school at its best and gives us chance to enjoy getting to know you and your child. During the tour we'll be able to answer your question and discuss any concerns you may have at this important time. You'll also be able to have a good look around the school building and begin to familiarise yourself with the layout.
If, after your visit, you decide that St James and St John is the right fit for your family, you will need to apply for a place though the Local Authority in which you live. As the local authority manages our admissions process, you can apply online at
While this application does need to be made by you, we will do all we can to help you.
If you wish to apply for a place after the normal transfer time, then you need to complete an ‘in year’ admission form from your own Local Authority. If you live in Buckinghamshire this can be downloaded from the Buckinghamshire Council Website.
You may find the link below for Admission to Schools in Buckinghamshire’s web page useful
For any further information, or to discuss a place at St James and St John C of E School, please contact the office on 01280 860272 or email Thank you.