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Equalities Statement

Equalities Statement


At St James and St John Church of England Primary School we believe in the development of the “whole child” as an individual and endeavour to encourage them to become responsible global citizens in an ever changing multi-cultural, multi-faith world. We promote inclusivity and equality and tackle discrimination. We have high expectations for all our pupils irrespective of race, creed, gender or disability.


As a school we value ‘all God’s children’. Through our Christian values of respect, kindness, aspiration, collaboartion, friendship, resilience, couarge we aim for our children to be successful and fully rounded members of society who treat others with respect and tolerance, regardless of faith, gender, ethnicity, sexuality, political or financial status, or similar.

Equality objectives


  • By July 2022, to audit our reading resources to eliminate negative images of people with protected characteristics and by July 2024 to increase the positive images of people with protected characteristics within our reading resource and curriculum.

Our reading resources have been audited to eliminate negative images of people with protected characteristics.

  • Monitor and analyse achievement and progress data with regard to gender, race and SEN by July 2022, and report on this to staff and the curriculum committee of the governing board. Act on any trends or patterns in the data that require additional support for pupils.

Data has been analysed with regard to gender, race and SEN. This has been shared with staff and governors. Additional support and quality first teaching is being implemented for those pupils who require addtional support.

  • To increase the understanding and appreciation for diversity through the curriculum, collective worship, visitors and celebration days.

Our newly planned curriculum will aid us with this objective. We celebrated Holi as a whole school and are hoping to have more visitors to school .
