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Vice-Chair of Governing Body and Safeguarding Governor - Mrs Pearl Slater

Pearl Slater, LA Governor

Vice- Chair of the Governing Body


I work in a university as a quality assurance leader, ensuring that the highest academic quality and standards for students are met and that we comply with government regulation in this area. I've been a governor at St James and St John since 2012 and now have a child at the school. I love the atmosphere of the school - every child is known to the teachers and is encouraged to achieve their best.



  • Date of Appointment - October 2012
  • Term of Office - 4 Years
  • LA Appointed
  • No Pecuniary Interests
  • No other governance roles in educational institutions
  • No material interests arising from relationships between governors or relationships between governors and school staff
  • Committees: Curriculum, Head Teacher Appointment, Strategic Working Group, Child Protection
  • Attendance last year: Governing Body Meetings: 3/3   